Who we are
Myatt's Fields Park Project is led by a Board of local residents and park users. We elect trustees each year at our AGM in January. We employ a team of mainly local people who make everything happen on the ground.
The board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October to take forward plans for the park. We have three subcommittees that meet each month (finance and HR; fundraising, marketing and projects; and community engagement).
If you want to raise an urgent issue about the park, MFPP staff and/or trustees will meet with you, and, if necessary, hold a focus group to discuss it including trustees, staff and members of the public. Email [email protected] if you have something you would like to raise with us.
Have a read of our policies.
The board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October to take forward plans for the park. We have three subcommittees that meet each month (finance and HR; fundraising, marketing and projects; and community engagement).
If you want to raise an urgent issue about the park, MFPP staff and/or trustees will meet with you, and, if necessary, hold a focus group to discuss it including trustees, staff and members of the public. Email [email protected] if you have something you would like to raise with us.
Have a read of our policies.
What we do
Myatt's Fields Park Project is a charity led by local people that supports the park. We have a management agreement with Lambeth Council that means from 2021 - 2023 we provide:
* horticultural maintenance including flower beds, mowing and hedge maintenance. Lambeth is responsible for maintenance of trees and hedges above 6ft
* where we can afford it, we will contribute to reactive maintenance (eg mending equipment). Otherwise Lambeth is responsible for capital maintenance of the park.
* income generation for the park
* volunteering, training and employability opportunities for local people
* point of contact for local people
* engagement activities such as events - each year these can include the summer fair, Black History event, Pride picnic, harvest festival, Christmas carols and a market
* host a range of local organisations including Lambeth Tigers football club, Mulberry Pre-school, Little Cat Cafe. Mulberry Pre-school offers two Stay and Play sessions per week for local families.
Lambeth remains the owner of the park and is responsible for setting and the enforcement of bye-laws.
* horticultural maintenance including flower beds, mowing and hedge maintenance. Lambeth is responsible for maintenance of trees and hedges above 6ft
* where we can afford it, we will contribute to reactive maintenance (eg mending equipment). Otherwise Lambeth is responsible for capital maintenance of the park.
* income generation for the park
* volunteering, training and employability opportunities for local people
* point of contact for local people
* engagement activities such as events - each year these can include the summer fair, Black History event, Pride picnic, harvest festival, Christmas carols and a market
* host a range of local organisations including Lambeth Tigers football club, Mulberry Pre-school, Little Cat Cafe. Mulberry Pre-school offers two Stay and Play sessions per week for local families.
Lambeth remains the owner of the park and is responsible for setting and the enforcement of bye-laws.