Proposed Controlled Parking Zones Deadline for responses
On Thursday 20 October 2016 AT 11pm
Informal Consultation (22 Sep 2016 - 20 Oct 2016).
Lambeth would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal to put in a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Vassall area.
What is the problem?
Many local residents and businesses in the Vassall area have raised concerns about parking problems. The main issues mentioned are based on:
What can be done?
Lambeth has listened to the concerns and is proposing making our roads a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). They’ve prepared a survey that you can complete if you’re a resident or business in the area to give feedback on what kind of parking controls you would like to see implemented, if any at all.
Lambeth need your answers by the 20th October,
and will use your feedback to decide what the next steps will be for our neighbourhood
Lambeth will be hosting a drop in session on...
Saturday 8 October from 10am to 4pm
at Minet Library, 52 Knatchbull Road, London, SE5 9QY discuss people’s views, any issues raised, suggested solutions and what people want for their road. Details of this event are shown in the attachments below, along with other key information about CPZs that you might find useful.
Parking surveys were undertaken in the Vassall area on Thursday 9th June and Saturday 11th June 2016. These provide a representation of a typical weekday and a Saturday. The results of the surveys are discussed in this comprehensive report
You can take a look at the details of the proposals for your area
as well as view them on map one and map two
Answers can be found here to frequently asked questions
and the permit pricing structure
You can also visit our CPZ webpages to find out more about parking restrictions.
How to respond
Please follow this link to the Informal Consultation Survey for Vassall Ward where you'll be able to let us know your views on the proposals
Copyright © 2016 Myatt's Fields Park Project, All rights reserved.
On Thursday 20 October 2016 AT 11pm
Informal Consultation (22 Sep 2016 - 20 Oct 2016).
Lambeth would like to hear your thoughts on the proposal to put in a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Vassall area.
What is the problem?
Many local residents and businesses in the Vassall area have raised concerns about parking problems. The main issues mentioned are based on:
- Commuters who park in the area because of unrestricted parking
- Residents and staff from local businesses in nearby streets where there are parking controls are parking here instead to avoid paying for parking.
What can be done?
Lambeth has listened to the concerns and is proposing making our roads a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). They’ve prepared a survey that you can complete if you’re a resident or business in the area to give feedback on what kind of parking controls you would like to see implemented, if any at all.
Lambeth need your answers by the 20th October,
and will use your feedback to decide what the next steps will be for our neighbourhood
Lambeth will be hosting a drop in session on...
Saturday 8 October from 10am to 4pm
at Minet Library, 52 Knatchbull Road, London, SE5 9QY discuss people’s views, any issues raised, suggested solutions and what people want for their road. Details of this event are shown in the attachments below, along with other key information about CPZs that you might find useful.
Parking surveys were undertaken in the Vassall area on Thursday 9th June and Saturday 11th June 2016. These provide a representation of a typical weekday and a Saturday. The results of the surveys are discussed in this comprehensive report
You can take a look at the details of the proposals for your area
as well as view them on map one and map two
Answers can be found here to frequently asked questions
and the permit pricing structure
You can also visit our CPZ webpages to find out more about parking restrictions.
How to respond
Please follow this link to the Informal Consultation Survey for Vassall Ward where you'll be able to let us know your views on the proposals
Copyright © 2016 Myatt's Fields Park Project, All rights reserved.